Saturday, November 05, 2005

Reader Input

I am often sent links and articles from friends about stories or websites that they feel I should write about on this blog. So I decided that every now and then I will make a post of stuff from other people. Feel free to send me anything that you would like to see on this site whenever you feel like it. These are from JG and JH.

Disturbing, racist, teen pop

F*&% the South

Colorful candidate and great band name


At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not as net savy as you so I'll just cut and paste, in case you missed this one:
Updated 11:00 AM ET November 7, 2005
"Mmmm ... beer."
This oft-repeated sentiment of Homer Simpson is a
mantra for the millions of beer drinkers in the United
States. As popular as beer is, however, it often has
gotten a bad rap as a calorie-loaded beverage that
only serves to create paunchy beer bellies and
alcohol-fueled lapses in judgment.
But that negative image may begin to fade: Research is
showing that beer could join the ranks of other
guilt-inducing but wildly popular foods -- chocolate,
coffee and red wine -- as a possible disease-fighter.
It turns out that beer hops contain a unique
micronutrient that inhibits cancer-causing enzymes.
Hops are plants used in beer to give it aroma, flavor
and bitterness.
The compound, xanthohumol, was first isolated by
researchers with Oregon State University 10 years ago.
Initial testing was promising, and now an increasing
number of laboratories across the world have begun
studying the compound, said Fred Stevens, an assistant professor of medicinal chemistry at Oregon State's College of Pharmacy.
Earlier this year, a German research journal even
devoted entire issue to xanthohumol, he said.
What Stevens and others are discovering is that
xanthohumol has several unique effects. Along with
inhibiting tumor growth and other enzymes that
activate cancer cells, it also helps the body make
unhealthy compounds more water-soluble, so they can be excreted.
Most beers made today are low on hops, however, and so
don't contain much xanthohumol. But beers known for
being "hoppy" - usually porter, stout and ale types -
have much higher levels of the compound. Oregon's
microbrews ranked particularly high, Stevens said,
which is not surprising: U.S. hops are grown almost
entirely in the Northwest.
Still, no one knows how much beer is needed to reap
the benefits. Mice studies show that the compound is metabolized quickly by the body, so it's hard to get a large amount in the body at one time, Stevens said.
"It clearly has some interesting chemo-preventive
properties, and the only way people are getting any of
it right now is through beer consumption," he said.

At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the F is JH? I've got a feeling that bushy's last name starts with a U.
Then again, "savy" (savey)? is a pretty big word for the U.
Actually - I know who it is - the guy who doesn't use capital letters - MR. A. Barker S.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Me said...

JH is one of two JH's that I know. One I went to college with, and another who is married to a coworker. Buschy is not Urbs. He is another friend from college. BTW nice post Doug.


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