Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Video

This video was shown at the DNC on the jumbotrons in Mile High Stadium.

This is a great video and has excellent backing music. The song is an instrumental version of "Fake Empire" by The National. I would recommend that any of you that like independent music buy their album "The Boxer". Last year, I wrote about this album; "Singer Matt Berninger's baritone provides a melancholy mood, and adds additional depth to the complexity of the songs, which feature subtle layers of horns, strings, and piano. The songs are well crafted, revealing a band that is extremely comfortable with their craft and knows exactly the sound they want to create. A very rewarding album." I still agree with what I wrote, except I now find the album to be more uplifting. It is one of those great albums that really pays off after you listen to it for a few times, as it may take some of you a while to get used to Matt Berninger's baritone voice.


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