Thursday, March 03, 2005


So you might have heard the story of Bubba the lobster on the news recently. For those of you who haven't, Bubba was a 30-50 year old, 22 pound lobster who was caught off the coast of Massachussets and shipped to an eatery in Pittsburgh. Some animal lovers caught word of the lobster and decided to save Bubba. The People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was contacted and protests were held. Folks offered to buy the lobster and release him in the wild. All this news gave Bubba a stay of execution, and it was decided to send him to an aquarium in Pittsburgh. Well, the trip and change of locations proved to be too much for poor Bubba, and he passed away shortly after arriving at the aquarium. It is unbelievable how much attention this lobster received, but the part of the story that amused me the most was that the People for Eating Tasty Animals, also known as PETA, put in a bid to buy Bubba for supper. PETA vs. PETA. I am an animal lover, but I also love to eat steak, chicken, the other white meat, and seafood. Maybe it is hypocritical, but it doesn't really bother me too much. I figure that Bubba's time had come, and whether he ended up being dipped in butter or floating belly up in a zoo, it really didn't make much of a difference in the long run.


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