Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday Roundup

Last week I saw one of the worst movies of 2007 - Good Luck Chuck. It doesn't quite rank up there with my personal least favorite movie of all time, Pearl Harbor, but it is up there with other crapfests such as Miss Congeniality 2 and The Santa Clause. I think I am going to have a bad movie festival one of these weekends where I search for the worst of the worst. Any suggestions?

Speaking of the movie Pearl Harbor, I am sure that many of you have seen the hilarious video "I'm F@cking Ben Affleck" from the Jimmy Kimmel Show. If not, you gotta watch this. (may not be appropriate for work)

If you have some time, here is a link to a video put together by some students in the Bronx about Barack Obama. I remember how few of my friends voted in the Bush-Gore election, and being embarrassed by the apathy and disregard by many people in my generation (and younger) for the political process. I think I was overly critical, but it is good to see the youth getting motivated by a politician.

Also, here is a video justifying Hillary's mistruths about her trip to Bosnia.


At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I am embarassed to admit this, but I saw that American Idol movie From Justin to Kelly. It was on cable or something and my girl was watching it. That is my excuse. It really sucked. Also, I can't believe you just Rick Rolled my ass.

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched "Trip to Bountiful" with my grandma -- I wouldn't even google it if I were you. Including "The Santa Clause" though, you so need to have kids to appreciate that one.
Rick Astley? Did you need to be that guy?


At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three words. Who's Harry Crumb? Horrible horrible movie.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Me said...

Axel F,

You mean to tell me that something associated with American Idol sucks? No way!


Just the title of that movie sounds lame. I hope your Grandma appreciated you watching it with her. I actually saw The Santa Clause at the movie theater with Matt Legget. It was the Saturday of Thanksgiving vacation, no one was around the house, and we went to see a movie. Not the typical movie for some college guys to go see.


I haven't seen Harry Crumb, but it always looked like one of John Candy's worst movies.


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