Friday, October 31, 2008

A Vote for Obama

Barack Obama represents the promise of the United States of America and the belief that Americans can do anything. He has the empathy to understand the condition and plight of others. He is calm, collected, and methodical in his decision making. And he has the leadership to guide our country on a better path. Watching him during this campaign has reminded me of the power of the human spirit. Not just his actions, but those of his supporters. A belief in the good of this country, the strength of its people, and the promising ideals that the U.S.A. represents. My parents immigrated to the U.S. in 1974, the year before I was born. I am the first U.S. citizen in my family, and I strongly believe in this country. My child, who is due in January, will be a second generation American. Everything that I do now and in the future will be for him. I want this country to allow him the opportunities that it has provided for my parents, for my brother, and for me. It is for his future that I voted for Barack Obama.


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