Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sex Panther

I am sure that by now, many of you have heard about the merger that would give the United Arab Emirates owned company control of operations at six U.S. ports. Much has been made of the lack of review by the government in approving the deal, the connections between members of the administration and the companies involved, and the UAE poor history of combating terrorism. But that isn't the problem that we have. The real issue is that port security is lacking throughout the USA, and our borders are not secure. At a White House press briefing, Scott McClellan said that 100% of cargo is screened. Actually, only cargo manifests are screened. Cargo that is deemed high rish is then inspected. That typically amounts to only 5%. So 100% of 5% is inspected. It kind of reminds me of Sex Panther cologne, "They've done studies you know- 60% of the time, it works every time." Boy, it sure is a good thing that terrorists don't know have to forge cargo manifests. Obviously, all the cargo cannot be inspected by additional technology and more security workers are needed to prevent items such as a nuclear weapon from being shipped into this country.


At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice anchorman reference. "It smells like bigfoot's dick!"

- Axel F


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