Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Bowl Capitalism

You can catch the commercials here.

Top 10:
1. "Magic Fridge" - Bud Light
2. "Caveman" - Fed Ex
3. "Hide and Seek" - Bud Light
4. "The Game" - Budweiser
5. "Cleaning the Gutters" - Bud Light
6. "Security Wand" - Sierra Mist
7. "Mile High Club" - Ameriquest
8. "A Little Darker" - Michelob
9. "Bear Attack" - Bud Light
10. "Pirate" - Sharpie

Worst commercial:
"Agent" - Diet Pepsi (Brown and bubbly doesn't exactly sound refreshing. P-diddy needs to change his name again after that turd of a commercial.)

What started as the worst commercial, but had a good payoff in the end:
"Whopperettes" - Burger King (and, at least it didn't show the king waking up in bed next to some dude with that creepy ass expression.)

Commercial that actually meant something:
"Self Esteem" - Dove

And last, but not least, Gillette's fusion ad reminded me of this article in The Onion.


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