Thursday, October 12, 2006

That's Not Dope

Canadian soldiers battle Taliban, marijuana.


At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Niall -
Thought I'd generate some ideas for new commentary for you. You seem to be you havin' a kid or something?
1. The new Tenacious D album
2. Commentary on married life
3. Denver Bronco Football
4. Why does fishing make a man feel content,when a fishing woman becomes more and more anxious?
5. Why is U2 such a shitty band these days? What happened? Or, are they not shitty? Of course not.
6. Who would you rather have on your FFL team - T.O. or Portis.
7. Who's on your FFL team?
8. Do you plan to ski this year? Are you ok with Alpine or have you made the transition to Tele?
9. What are the top 5 album titles ever? I love Yo La Tengos new one - any others?
10. How many times did you fish in 2006 - I went 4 times last week. I don't think work is an important part of my life.
Lookin' forward to your comments,
as always,

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Me said...

In my league with Bucky, I have TO and Portis. It is my headcase team.


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