Friday, March 18, 2005

Congress, MLB, and Da Juice

Random Thoughts on the Steroids Issue

- Why is Congress investigating Major League Baseball for steroids when there are so many other important issues that they should be dealing with right now. I will give them a about finding out what happened to the $9 billion in Iraq funds that is somehow unaccounted for.

- By not talking about the past, Mark McGwire's image is tarnished (first ballot Hall of Famer?) and now it is assumed that he was on the juice too.

- Tom Osbourne was questioning players? Maybe Congress should hold an investigation into his Nebraska Cornhusker teams of the 80s and 90s and performance enhancing drugs (or other illegal issues)?

-Which statement of Curt Schillings is true? That steroids is rampant in baseball or that the issue was greatly overstated? He has said both. So what is it Curt?

- Did McGwire really break down in tears?

- MLB needs a new commish. Selig is a joke. He still thinks like an owner and has the owner's, not the game's, best interest at heart.

- A lot of the information in Canseco's book is about his time with the Rangers, when Bush was the owner. There are loads of stories about Bush liking to hang out with the players in the locker room and be "one of the guys". Just how much did he know about it then? (Although, that is assuming that what Canseco wrote is true. Still, just look at Palmeiro's numbers before and after Canseco was added to the team, and you have to be suspicious.)

- In a slightly unrelated note, did I really hear that Congress subpeoned Terri Schiavo to testify regarding her right to die case? That's just wrong.


At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you saying that Bush is part of the steriod problem? Isn't that going a little far my liberal friend?

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Me said...

I am just saying that anyone with half a brain should have realized that something was going on. And why didn't he do or say anything about it back then. This isn't a new problem.


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