Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Still Awake

I started this blog five years ago (shortly after the re-election of George W. Bush) due to my dismay regarding the lack of comprehension at what the Bush administration and congress were doing to our country.  I felt that many people were completely switched off to what was happening.  Thus, I named the blog, "Wide Awake in America".  I felt that I was awake, worrying about things, while so many others were asleep.  The title is also an homage to the EP Wide Awake in America by U2.  No title could better sum the feelings I was having while also describing the content of the blog. 
I decided that this blog would combine politics, sports, pop culture, and anything else that interested me.  There is so much information out there these days, that I decided to filter through it to provide you, the reader, with items I thought were interesting, important, or entertaining.  And, yes, I actually do have a few readers (I have a site traffic tracker).  Although I have taken a hiatus from writing about politics, I am sure that I will return to that topic eventually.
Overall, I haven't written as much as I would have liked this past year, but with the birth of a child, "Wide Awake in America" took on a new meaning.  Limited time has always affected both the volume of writing and the quality of the writing, but never so much as now.  I often cringe at the poor grammar or incomplete ideas in my past posts.  At least I can use the excuse of being an amateur. 

Of course, it is quite vain of me to think that others would be interested in what I write, but at the very least, I have a record of my own thoughts that I can peruse to remind me of what I was thinking or doing during a certain point in time.  I thank those of you who read this blog for your time and especially thank those of you who have left comments as it provides me with feedback if my posts are sound, off key, or actually interesting.  I hope to continue updating this blog more in the future, but cannot make any guarantees as to the frequency of posts.  Please continue to stop on by.